- Mvvm: ViewModelLocator, BindingProxy, etc.
- Navigation: NavigationService, ConfigurableNavigationService
- Data: ListCollectionViewEx, PagedList, PagedSource and commands ListCollectionViewCommands, PagedSourceCommands
- Interactivity: CallMethodAction, SelectorSelectedItemsSyncBehavior, EventToCommandBehavior, etc.
- Controls: AnimatingContentControl, TransitioningContentControl, TransitioningItemsControl: allow to animate content. NavigatableContentControl
- Expressions: allows to create filters with Linq expressions.
- Common: MvvmUtils
Allows to resolve ViewModels for Views with AutoWireViewModel.
Default convention:
- Views in
namespace - View models in
namespace -
View model name:
- view name + "ViewModel" (example: ShellViewModel for Shell)
- Or if the view name ends by "View": view name + "Model" (example: NavigationViewModel for NavigationView)
Change the convention
Example 1: with "View" and "ViewModel" namespaces
ViewModelLocationProvider.ChangeConvention((viewType) =>
// "View" and "ViewModel" folders
var prefix = viewType.FullName.Replace(".View.", ".ViewModel.");
var suffix = viewType.Name.EndsWith("View") ? "Model" : "ViewModel";
var assemblyFullName = viewType.Assembly.FullName;
var viewModelTypeName = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}{1}, {2}", prefix, suffix, assemblyFullName);
return Type.GetType(viewModelTypeName);
Example 2: with multiple view folders
ViewModelLocationProvider.ChangeConvention(viewType =>
// "Menus" or "Views"
string prefix = viewType.FullName.Contains(".Menus.") ?
viewType.FullName.Replace(".Menus.", ".ViewModels.")
: viewType.FullName.Replace(".Views.", ".ViewModels.");
var suffix = viewType.Name.EndsWith("View") ? "Model" : "ViewModel";
var assemblyFullName = viewType.Assembly.FullName;
var viewModelTypeName = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}{1}, {2}", prefix, suffix, assemblyFullName);
return Type.GetType(viewModelTypeName);
Example 3: ViewModels in another assembly
ViewModelLocationProvider.ChangeConvention(viewType =>
// Class Library "Lib"
var viewModelName = viewType.Name.EndsWith("View") ? $"{viewType.Name}Model" : $"{viewType.Name}ViewModel";
var viewModelTypeName = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Lib.ViewModels.{0}, Lib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null", viewModelName);
var viewModelType = Type.GetType(viewModelTypeName);
return viewModelType;
Register a custom View Model for a view
ViewModelLocationProvider.Register<Shell, CustomViewModel>();
Or with a factory
ViewModelLocationProvider.Register<Shell>(() => new CustomViewModel());
AutoWireViewModel Attached property (Window, UserControl)
<Window x:Class="Sample.Views.Shell"
Note: the attached property can be omitted with a NavigationService (automatically tries to resolve the ViewModel for a View)
Simple, customizable, bindable, injectable with Mvvm support.
Method | Description |
Navigate | Navigation by Uri or uri string to a registered view (or viewmodel) |
Replace | Allows to replace previous navigation entry |
MoveTo | Move to index or content |
MoveToFirst | Move to first page |
MoveToLast | Move to last page |
MoveToPrevious | Move to previous page |
MoveToNext | Move to next page |
Clear | clear history and content |
Sync | Allows to sync with another navigation service |
Property | Description |
CanMoveToPrevious | Checks if can move to previous entry |
CanMoveToNext | Checks if can move to next entry |
Journal | The navigation journal |
Event | Description |
CanMoveToPreviousChanged | Raised when the value changed |
CanMoveToNextChanged | Raised when the value changed |
ContentChanged | Raised on content changed |
Navigated | Raised on navigation end |
Navigating | Raised at beginning of navigation |
NavigationFailed | Raised on navigation failed (cancelled with activation guard for example) |
Note: 1 navigation service per UIElement (or use NavigationBehavior for custom behaviors)
Bindable navigation service. Exemple with ContentControl
<ContentControl Content="{Binding NavigationService.Content}"></ContentControl>
Register the navigation service with a IoC Container and inject in ViewModel
public class ShellViewModel
public ShellViewModel(INavigationService navigationService)
NavigationService = navigationService;
Commands = new NavigationServiceCommands(NavigationService);
public INavigationService NavigationService { get; }
public NavigationServiceCommands Commands { get; }
Bind commands in view
<Button Command="{Binding Commands.MoveToFirstCommand}" Width="50"><<</Button>
<Button Command="{Binding Commands.MoveToPreviousCommand}" Width="50"></Button>
<Button Command="{Binding Commands.MoveToNextCommand}" Width="50">></Button>
<Button Command="{Binding Commands.MoveToLastCommand}" Width="50">>></Button>
<Button Command="{Binding Commands.NavigateCommand}" CommandParameter="HomeView">Home</Button>
<!-- with parameter -->
<Button Command="{Binding Commands.NavigateCommand}" CommandParameter="ViewA?id=sample-id">View A</Button>>
In code
// With parameters
NavigationService.Navigate("ViewA", new NavigateParameters
{ "id", 10 }
// note: the query parameters are added to the NavigateParameters
NavigationService.Navigate("ViewA?tag=sample", new NavigateParameters
{ "id", 10 }
: It's possible to navigate to ViewModels
Define a DataTemplate
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type viewModels:ViewAViewModel}">
<views:ViewA />
And register for navigation
// Example with IUnityContainer (Unity Bootstrapper)
Replace: example remove LoginView from navigation journal
public class LoginViewModel : ISupportNavigation
private readonly IAuth _auth;
private readonly INavigationService _navigationService;
private DelegateCommand _loginCommand;
private string _returnUrl;
private INavigateParameters _parameters;
public LoginViewModel(IAuth auth, INavigationService navigationService)
_auth = auth;
_navigationService = navigationService;
public DelegateCommand LoginCommand
if (_loginCommand == null)
_loginCommand = new DelegateCommand(Login);
return _loginCommand;
public bool IsNavigationTarget(NavigateContext context) => false;
public void OnNavigatedFrom(NavigateContext context) { }
public void OnNavigatedTo(NavigateContext context)
_returnUrl = context.Parameters.GetValue<string>("returnUrl");
_parameters = context.GetOriginalParameters();
private void Login()
_navigationService.Replace(_returnUrl, _parameters);
Example: try to navigate to a protected resource and redirect to LoginView
public class ProtectedViewModel : BindableBase, ISupportNavigation, ISupportActivationGuard
private readonly IAuth _auth;
public ProtectedViewModel(IAuth auth)
_auth = auth;
public bool IsNavigationTarget(NavigateContext context) => false;
public void OnNavigatedFrom(NavigateContext context)
{ }
public void OnNavigatedTo(NavigateContext context)
var id = context.Parameters.GetValue<string>("id");
// etc.
public void CanActivate(NavigateContext context, Action<bool> continuationCallback)
if (!_auth.IsLogged)
context.NavigationService.Navigate("LoginView?returnUrl=ProtectedView", context.Parameters);
Registering views (and view models) for navigation
is easy to configure (does not require to use a bootstrapper)
var navigationService = new ConfigurableNavigationService
// Name ("PageKey", used in Uri or UriString) => Type
PageAssociations = new Dictionary<string, Type>
{ "HomeView", typeof(HomeView) },
{ "ViewA", typeof(ViewA) },
// With ViewModel for example
{ "ViewBViewModel", typeof(ViewBViewModel) },
// etc.
Or use Scrutor to find and register all views of a namespace
var navigationService = new ConfigurableNavigationService();
navigationService.RegisterViewsInExactNamespaceOf<Shell>(); // or RegisterViewsInNamespaceOf
: it's better to use a Bootstrapper (to register views for navigation) ...
With MvvmLib.Unity.Wpf
public class Bootstrapper : UnityBootstrapperBase
protected override void RegisterTypes()
// Services
Container.RegisterSingleton<INavigationService, NavigationService>();
Container.RegisterSingleton<IAuth, FakeAuth>();
// ViewModels
// Register For Navigation
Container.RegisterForNavigationInNamespaceOf<Shell>(); // here
protected override Window CreateShell() => Container.Resolve<Shell>();
With MvvmLib.Microsoft.DependencyInjection.Extensions.Wpf
public class Bootstrapper : MicrosoftDependencyInjectionBootstrapperBase
protected override void RegisterTypes()
// Services
Services.AddSingleton<INavigationService, NavigationService>();
Services.AddSingleton<IAuth, FakeAuth>();
// ViewModels
// Register For Navigation
Services.RegisterForNavigationInNamespaceOf<Shell>(); // here
protected override Window CreateShell() => ContainerLocator.Current.Resolve<Shell>();
With MvvmLib.IoC.Extensions.Wpf
: all can be auto resolved
public class Bootstrapper : InjectorBootstrapperBase
protected override void RegisterTypes()
protected override Window CreateShell() => ContainerLocator.Current.Resolve<Shell>();
App.xaml: Replace StartupUri by Startup event
<Application x:Class="WpfApp1.App"
In code behind
public partial class App : Application
private void Application_Startup(object sender, StartupEventArgs e)
new Bootstrapper().Run();
Create a Login Screen or a SplashScreen
public class Bootstrapper : UnityBootstrapperBase
// etc.
protected override Window CreateShell() => Container.Resolve<Shell>();
protected override void ShowShell()
var window = new LoginOrSplashWindow();
if (window.ShowDialog() == true)
Note: With a SplashScreenManager, BeforeCreatingShell
method can be used.
Is used by MvvmLib to resolve all dependencies and is configured by the bootstrapper in background.
Manually (without Bootstrapper), example with Unity:
// Container is IUnityContainer
ContainerLocator.SetContainerLocationProvider(() => new UnityContainerLocationProvider(Container))
Resolve a dependency
var shell = ContainerLocator.Current.Resolve<Shell>();
Mvvm Support
- ISupportNavigation: IsNavigationTarget to manage the view resolved, OnNavigatedFrom and OnNavigatedTo methods
- ISupportJournal: to not persist a view in journal
- ISupportLoaded with ViewModel.EnableLoaded attached property on a View
- ISupportActivation: notified when a view is active/ selected
- ISupportActivationGuard
- ISupportDeactivationGuard
Example confirm navigation
public class ViewAViewModel : BindableBase, ISupportNavigation, ISupportActivationGuard, ISupportDeactivationGuard
// etc.
public void CanActivate(NavigateContext context, Action<bool> continuationCallback)
var can = MessageBox.Show($"Activate {nameof(ViewAViewModel)}?", "Confirmation", MessageBoxButton.OKCancel) == MessageBoxResult.OK;
public void CanDeactivate(NavigateContext context, Action<bool> continuationCallback)
var can = MessageBox.Show($"Deactivate {nameof(ViewAViewModel)}?", "Confirmation", MessageBoxButton.OKCancel) == MessageBoxResult.OK;
// returns always the same View/ViewModel if the pageKey of the uri is View
public bool IsNavigationTarget(NavigateContext context) => context.PageKey == "ViewA";
public void OnNavigatedFrom(NavigateContext context) { }
public void OnNavigatedTo(NavigateContext context)
var id = context.Parameters.GetValue<string>("id");
: Master Details Scenario Sample
public class UserDetailsViewModel : BindableBase, ISupportNavigation
private User _user;
public User User
get { return _user; }
set { SetProperty(ref _user, value); }
public bool IsNavigationTarget(NavigateContext context)
if (context.Parameters.TryGetValue<int>("id", out var id))
return id == User.Id;
return false;
// etc.
Handle Loaded from ViewModel
Add the EnabledLoaded
attached property on the View
ml:ViewModel.EnableLoaded="True" />
Implement ISupportLoaded
public class ShellViewModel : ISupportLoaded
public void OnLoaded()
// do something
Change the Mvvm interfaces used by the Navigation Service
Example: replace to use Prism interfaces
public class PrismNavigationService : NavigationService
#region Mvvm
protected override NavigateContext CreateContext(Uri uri, INavigateParameters parameters, NavigateMode mode)
var context = new PrismNavigateContext(uri, parameters, mode)
NavigationService = this
return context;
protected override void TryAutoWireViewModel(object content)
if (content is FrameworkElement view && view.DataContext is null && PrismViewModelLocator.GetAutoWireViewModel(view) is null)
PrismViewModelLocator.SetAutoWireViewModel(view, true);
protected override bool IsNavigationTarget(object content, NavigateContext context)
bool isNavigationTarget = false;
MvvmUtils.ViewAndViewModelAction<INavigationAware>(content, ina => { isNavigationTarget = ina.IsNavigationTarget(context.AsPrism()); });
return isNavigationTarget;
protected override void CanNavigate(object currentContent, object content, NavigateContext context, Action<bool> continuationCallback)
if (currentContent is IConfirmNavigationRequest)
((IConfirmNavigationRequest)currentContent).ConfirmNavigationRequest(context.AsPrism(), continuationCallback);
else if (currentContent is FrameworkElement element && element.DataContext is IConfirmNavigationRequest)
((IConfirmNavigationRequest)element.DataContext).ConfirmNavigationRequest(context.AsPrism(), continuationCallback);
protected override bool PersistInJournal(object content)
bool persist = true;
MvvmHelpers.ViewAndViewModelAction<IJournalAware>(content, ija => { persist &= ija.PersistInHistory(); });
return persist;
protected override void SetActive(object content, bool isActive)
MvvmUtils.ViewAndViewModelAction<IActiveAware>(content, iaa => iaa.IsActive = isActive);
protected override void OnNavigatedFrom(object content, NavigateContext context)
MvvmUtils.ViewAndViewModelAction<INavigationAware>(content, x => x.OnNavigatedFrom(context.AsPrism()));
protected override void OnNavigatedTo(object content, NavigateContext context)
MvvmUtils.ViewAndViewModelAction<INavigationAware>(content, ina => ina.OnNavigatedTo(context.AsPrism()));
public class PrismNavigateContext : NavigateContext
public PrismNavigateContext(Uri uri, INavigateParameters parameters, NavigateMode mode) : base(uri, parameters, mode)
NavigationContext = CreatePrismNavigationContext();
private NavigationContext CreatePrismNavigationContext()
var parameters = Parameters.ToPrism();
var navigationContext = new MvvmLibNavigationContext(this, Uri, parameters);
return navigationContext;
public NavigationContext NavigationContext { get; }
public static class NavigateContextExtensions
public static NavigationContext AsPrism(this NavigateContext navigateContext)
if (navigateContext is PrismNavigateContext prismNavigateContext)
return prismNavigateContext.NavigationContext;
return null;
public static class INavigateParametersExtensions
public static NavigationParameters ToPrism(this INavigateParameters parameters)
var navigationParameters = new NavigationParameters();
foreach (var parameter in parameters)
navigationParameters.Add(parameter.Key, parameter.Value);
return navigationParameters;
public class MvvmLibNavigationContext : NavigationContext
public MvvmLibNavigationContext(NavigateContext context, Uri uri, NavigationParameters navigationParameters)
: base(null, uri, navigationParameters)
Context = context;
public INavigationService MvvmLibNavigationService => Context.NavigationService;
public NavigateContext Context { get; }
private void GetNavigationParameters(NavigationParameters navigationParameters)
if (navigationParameters != null)
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, object> navigationParameter in navigationParameters)
Parameters.Add(navigationParameter.Key, navigationParameter.Value);
public static class NavigationContextExtensions
public static T As<T>(this NavigationContext navigationContext) where T: NavigationContext
if (navigationContext is T objAsT)
return objAsT;
return default;
Create a custom Navigation Service
Example with NavigationBehaviors and binding for Selectors (ListBox mutliple, TabControl, etc.)
public class CustomNavigationService : NavigationService, ICustomNavigationService
private INavigationJournal _journal;
private List<INavigationBehavior> _behaviors;
public CustomNavigationService()
Views = new ObservableCollection<object>();
ActiveViews = new ObservableCollection<object>();
_behaviors = new List<INavigationBehavior>();
_journal = new CustomJournal();
public ObservableCollection<object> Views { get; }
public ObservableCollection<object> ActiveViews { get; }
public override INavigationJournal Journal => _journal;
public IEnumerable<INavigationBehavior> Behaviors => _behaviors;
protected override void Activate(object content)
// single and multiple
if (Views.IndexOf(content) == -1)
Views.Insert(Journal.CurrentEntryIndex, content);
// multiple
if (ActiveViews.IndexOf(content) == -1)
ActiveViews.Insert(Journal.CurrentEntryIndex, content);
public virtual void Attach(INavigationBehavior behavior)
if (behavior is null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(behavior));
behavior.NavigationService = this;
public void Remove(object content)
base.Remove(content, r =>
// multiple
// single
public override void Clear()
public class SyncStackPanelBehavior : NavigationBehavior<StackPanel>
protected CustomNavigationService CustomNavigationService => NavigationService as CustomNavigationService;
protected override void OnAttach()
CustomNavigationService.Views.CollectionChanged += (s, e) =>
switch (e.Action)
case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add:
foreach (var item in e.NewItems)
if (item is FrameworkElement element)
if (TargetElement.Children.IndexOf(element) == -1)
protected virtual FrameworkElement EnsureNewView(object content)
if (content is FrameworkElement)
var newContent = ContainerLocator.Current.Resolve(content.GetType()) as FrameworkElement;
// if no AutoWireViewModel attached property on view or dataContext not defined at construction
return newContent;
return null;
protected override void OnDetach()
{ }
// Example: custom navigation journal: insert each entry at beginning
public class CustomJournal : NavigationJournal
protected override int GetNewEntryPosition() => 0;
protected override void RemoveEntries(int startIndex)
while (EntriesInternal.Count < startIndex)
Binding: Example ListBox Multiple
<ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding NavigationService.Views}"
SelectedItem="{Binding NavigationService.Content}"
<ml:SelectorSelectedItemsSyncBehavior ActiveItems="{Binding NavigationService.ActiveViews}" />
Inject the navigation service in MainWindow to add the behavior
public partial class MainWindow : Window
public MainWindow(ICustomNavigationService navigationService)
navigationService.Attach(new SyncStackPanelBehavior { AssociatedObject = Panel });
Multiple Navigation Services
Suggestion: Create a class with all Navigation services used
public interface IApplicationNavigationServices
INavigationService Child { get; }
INavigationService Main { get; }
public class ApplicationNavigationServices : IApplicationNavigationServices
private INavigationService _main;
public INavigationService Main
if (_main == null)
_main = new NavigationService();
return _main;
private INavigationService _child;
public INavigationService Child
if (_child == null)
_child = new NavigationService();
return _child;
// etc.
... register with the container
... inject the ApplicationNavigationServices in ViewModels
Showing multiple shells
Create a ShellService and an interface ISupportNavigationService to set the NavigationService used by the ShellViewModel
public interface ISupportNavigationService
INavigationService NavigationService { get; set; }
public interface IShellService
void ShowShell();
public class ShellService : IShellService
public virtual void ShowShell()
var shell = CreateShell();
protected virtual Window CreateShell() => ContainerLocator.Current.Resolve<Shell>();
protected virtual void TryAutoWireViewModel(FrameworkElement element) => MvvmUtils.TryAutoWireViewModel(element);
protected virtual void TrySetNavigationService(object content)
=> MvvmUtils.ViewAndViewModelAction<ISupportNavigationService>(content, isns => isns.NavigationService = CreateScopedNavigationService());
// for multiple navigation services: provide a new instance of a class with all navigation services
protected virtual INavigationService CreateScopedNavigationService() => new NavigationService();
protected virtual void ShowShell(Window shell) => shell.Show();
ShellViewModel sample
public class ShellViewModel : ISupportNavigationService, ISupportLoaded
public ShellViewModel(IShellService shellService)
_shellService = shellService;
Commands = new NavigationServiceCommands();
public INavigationService NavigationService { get; set; }
public NavigationServiceCommands Commands { get; }
private DelegateCommand _showShellCommand;
private readonly IShellService _shellService;
public DelegateCommand ShowShellCommand =>
_showShellCommand ?? (_showShellCommand = new DelegateCommand(ExecuteShowShellCommand));
private void ExecuteShowShellCommand()
public void OnLoaded()
Is a ListCollectionView with shortcuts and usefull methods
public class ListCollectionViewSampleViewModel
public ListCollectionViewSampleViewModel()
var users = new List<User>
new User { Id = 1, FirstName = "First.1", LastName ="Last.1", Age = 30, Role = UserRole.Admin },
new User { Id = 2, FirstName = "First.2", LastName ="Last.2", Age = 40, Role = UserRole.User },
new User { Id = 3, FirstName = "First.3", LastName ="Last.3", Age = 50, Role = UserRole.SuperAdmin },
// ...
View = new ListCollectionViewEx<User>(users);
Commands = new ListCollectionViewCommands(View)
Delete = Delete,
Save = Save,
Sort = new Action<string, ListSortDirection>((p, d) => View.Sort(p, d)),
Filter = Filter
public ListCollectionViewEx<User> View { get; }
public ListCollectionViewCommands Commands { get; }
private void Filter(string args)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(args))
var splits = SplitText(args);
if (splits.Length > 0)
var compositeFilter = new CompositeFilter<User>(LogicalOperator.Or);
foreach (var split in splits)
compositeFilter.AddFilter(new PropertyFilter<User>("FirstName", PredicateOperator.Contains, split));
compositeFilter.AddFilter(new PropertyFilter<User>("LastName", PredicateOperator.Contains, split));
View.Filter = compositeFilter.Filter;
private string[] SplitText(string text) => text.Split(' ', ',');
private void Save()
if (View.IsAddingNew)
var current = View.CurrentAddItem as User;
if (!current.HasErrors)
// save to db...
else if (View.IsEditingItem)
var current = View.CurrentEditItem as User;
if (!current.HasErrors)
// save to db ..
catch (Exception ex)
{ }
private void Delete()
var current = View.Current;
if (MessageBox.Show($"Delete {current.FirstName}?", "Confirmation", MessageBoxButton.OKCancel) == MessageBoxResult.OK)
// remove from db ...
// eventAggregator.GetEvent<NotificationMessageEvent>().Publish($"{name} removed!");
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show($"A problem occured:{ex.Message}");
public class User : Validatable, IEditableObject
private User oldUser = null;
public void BeginEdit()
oldUser = new User
Id = Id,
FirstName = FirstName,
LastName = LastName,
ImagePath = ImagePath,
Age = Age,
Role = Role
public void CancelEdit()
if (oldUser == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException();
FirstName = oldUser.FirstName;
LastName = oldUser.LastName;
ImagePath = oldUser.ImagePath;
Age = oldUser.age;
Role = oldUser.role;
public void EndEdit()
oldUser = null;
private string firstName;
public string FirstName
get { return firstName; }
set { SetProperty(ref firstName, value); }
// etc.
PagedList (IEnumerable T extension method)
int pageNumber = 1;
int pageSize = 50;
var pagedList = Users.ToPagedList<User>(pageNumber, pageSize);
<ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding PagedList}"></ListBox>
public class PagedSourceViewModel : BindableBase
public PagedSourceViewModel()
Users = new ObservableCollection<User>();
PagedSource = new PagedSource(Users);
Commands = new PagedSourceCommands(PagedSource);
AddNewItemCommand = new DelegateCommand(AddItem);
public ObservableCollection<User> Users { get; }
public PagedSource PagedSource { get; }
public PagedSourceCommands Commands { get; }
public ICommand AddNewItemCommand { get; }
private void AddItem()
var user = new User();
// etc.
<!-- commands -->
<Button Command="{Binding Commands.MoveCurrentToFirstCommand}" >
<controls:MaterialDesignIcon Icon="SkipPrevious" Brush="#2980b9"/>
<!-- currentItem -->
<ContentControl Content="{Binding PagedSource.PageView.CurrentItem, Mode=OneWay}"></ContentControl>
It's possible to create a DataPager
and the methods of the PagedSource
- MoveToFirstPage
- MoveToPreviousPage
- MoveToNextPage
- MoveToLastPage
- MoveToPage
Content Control that allows to animate on content change.
2 Storyboards :
- EntranceAnimation
- ExitAnimation
- Simultaneous (boolean) allows to play simultaneously the animations.
- CanAnimateOnLoad: allows to cancel animation on load
<ml:AnimatingContentControl ml:NavigationManager.SourceName="Main">
<!-- Target "CurrentContentPresenter" -->
<DoubleAnimation Storyboard.TargetName="CurrentContentPresenter"
From="400" To="0" Duration="0:0:0.4" />
<!-- Target "CurrentContentPresenter" or with Simultaneous "PreviousContentPresenter" -->
<DoubleAnimation Storyboard.TargetName="CurrentContentPresenter"
From="0" To="400" Duration="0:0:0.4" />
Or Simultaneous
<ml:AnimatingContentControl Content="{Binding Navigation.Current}"
IsCancelled="{Binding IsCancelled}">
<DoubleAnimation Storyboard.TargetName="CurrentContentPresenter"
From="{Binding ElementName=ThisControl,Path=ActualWidth,FallbackValue=400}" To="0"
Duration="{Binding ElementName=DuractionComboBox,Path=SelectedItem}">
<SineEase EasingMode="EaseInOut" />
<DoubleAnimation Storyboard.TargetName="PreviousContentPresenter"
From="0" To="{Binding ElementName=ThisControl,Path=ActualWidth,FallbackValue=400}"
Duration="{Binding ElementName=DuractionComboBox,Path=SelectedItem}">
<SineEase EasingMode="EaseInOut" />
Other sample: animations in resources
<Storyboard x:Key="EntranceAnimation1">
<DoubleAnimation Storyboard.TargetName="CurrentContentPresenter"
From="400" To="0" Duration="0:0:0.4" />
<Storyboard x:Key="ExitAnimation1">
<DoubleAnimation Storyboard.TargetName="CurrentContentPresenter"
From="0" To="-400" Duration="0:0:0.4" />
<ml:AnimatingContentControl Content="{Binding Navigation.Current}"
EntranceAnimation="{StaticResource EntranceAnimation1}"
ExitAnimation="{StaticResource ExitAnimation1}">
Other sample: Change Animations dynamically and controlling when the animation is played with "CanAnimate". For a Schedule view for example.
<ml:AnimatingContentControl Content="{Binding Navigation.Current}"
CanAnimate="{Binding CanAnimate, Mode=OneWay}"
EntranceAnimation="{Binding EntranceAnimation, Mode=OneWay}"
ExitAnimation="{Binding ExitAnimation, Mode=OneWay}">
<ml:EventTrigger EventName="AnimationCompleted">
<ml:CallMethodAction TargetObject="{Binding}" MethodName="CompleteChangingScheduleMode"/>
Allows to play a transition on loaded.
2 Storyboards:
- EntranceTransition: played when control loaded (or explicitly with "DoEnter")
- ExitTransition: played explicitly with "DoLeave" or IsLeaving dependency property (for example played when the user click on a tab close button)
Other methods:
- CancelTransition
- Reset: reset the render transform property and opacity + cancel transition
<ml:TransitioningContentControl x:Name="TransitioningContentControl1" Margin="0,20">
<DoubleAnimation Storyboard.TargetName="ContentPresenter"
From="0" To="1" Duration="0:0:0.6">
<ExponentialEase EasingMode="EaseInOut"/>
<DoubleAnimation Storyboard.TargetName="ContentPresenter"
From="1" To="0" Duration="0:0:2"/>
ItemsControl that allows to animate on item insertion and deletion.
The "ControlledAnimation" avoid to set the target and the target property of the storyboard. The TargetPropertyType is a shortcut. But it's possible to target explicitly the target property of the storyboard with "TargetProperty" dependency property.
<ml:TransitioningItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding MyItems}"
IsCancelled="{Binding IsCancelled}">
<ml:ControlledAnimation TargetPropertyType="TranslateX">
<DoubleAnimation From="200" To="0" Duration="0:0:2"/>
<ml:ControlledAnimation TargetPropertyType="TranslateX">
<DoubleAnimation From="0" To="200" Duration="0:0:2"/>
It's a control that allows to use navigation service méthods (like a Frame).
Example with mahApps.Metro, sets the content of the HamburgerMenu
public partial class Shell
public Shell(IConfigurableNavigationService navigationService)
var navigatableContentControl = new NavigatableContentControl();
navigatableContentControl.NavigationService = navigationService;
HamburgerMenuControl.Content = navigatableContentControl;
Example 2 xaml
<!-- xmlns:ml="" -->
<ml:NavigatableContentControl x:Name="NavigatableContentControl"/>
CallMethodAction with parameter
<Button Content="CallMethodAction Sample">
<i:EventTrigger EventName="Click">
<ml:CallMethodAction TargetObject="{Binding}" MethodName="MyMethod" Parameter="MvvmLib!"/>
Create a custom TriggerAction
Example: for closing TabItem
public class CloseTabAction : TriggerAction<Button>
protected override void Invoke(object parameter)
var args = parameter as RoutedEventArgs;
if (args == null)
var tabItem = XamlTreeHelper.FindParent<TabItem>((DependencyObject)args.OriginalSource);
if (tabItem == null)
var tabControl = XamlTreeHelper.FindParent<TabControl>(tabItem);
if (tabControl == null)
public class XamlTreeHelper
public static T FindParent<T>(DependencyObject child) where T : DependencyObject
DependencyObject parentObject = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(child);
if (parentObject == null)
return null;
var parent = parentObject as T;
if (parent != null)
return parent;
return FindParent<T>(parentObject);
Add the trigger to the TabItem implicit Style
<Style TargetType="TabItem">
<Setter Property="Header" Value="{Binding DataContext.Name}"/>
<Setter Property="HeaderTemplate">
<ColumnDefinition />
<ColumnDefinition />
<ContentControl Content="{Binding}" VerticalAlignment="Center" HorizontalAlignment="Center" Margin="0,0,7,0" />
<Button Content="X"
HorizontalAlignment="Right" Height="20" Width="20" Padding="0"
<ml:EventTrigger EventName="Click">
<local:CloseTabAction />
And the TabControl: ItemsSource binded to the Views of a Custom NavigationService
<TabControl ItemsSource="{Binding NavigationService.Views}"></TabControl>
<Button Content="EventToCommandBehavior Sample">
<ml:EventToCommandBehavior EventName="Click" Command="{Binding MessageCommand}" CommandParameter="World"/>
<ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding Users}"
SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedUser}">
<ml:SelectorSelectedItemsSyncBehavior ActiveItems="{Binding SelectedUsers}"/>
<TreeView ItemsSource="{Binding Families}">
<HierarchicalDataTemplate DataType="{x:Type viewModels:Family}" ItemsSource="{Binding Members}">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Name}" />
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type viewModels:FamilyMember}">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Name}" />
SelectedItem="{Binding ActiveFamilyOrMember}" />
<DataGrid x:Name="DataGrid1" ItemsSource="{Binding CollectionView}" AutoGenerateColumns="False" IsReadOnly="True">
<!-- 1. Adds the Proxy in control or window resources-->
<ml:BindingProxy x:Key="Proxy" Data="{Binding}"/>
<DataGridTextColumn Binding="{Binding FirstName}" Width="*">
<ColumnDefinition Width="Auto" />
<TextBlock Text="Name" />
<local:DropDownButton Grid.Column="1">
<RowDefinition />
<RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>
<!-- code -->
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Grid.Row="1">
<!-- 2. Use the Proxy as Source and bind with The Data dependency property -->
<Button Content="Filter" Command="{Binding Data.FilterFirstNameCommand, Source={StaticResource Proxy}}" />
<!-- other columns -->